Ethnography / Photojournalism / Documentary
Curated by BAMM London
- A global network of photojournalists embedded within local culture. Able to provide a rich stream of visual evidence and front line journalistic reporting from around the globe.
- RAW looks beyond the second-hand tropes and imagery beloved of mainstream cultural reporting and instead goes right to the source.
- RAW taps directly into the people and places where culture is produced. It looks for the conflicts and the margins as well as the safe centre for new trends and ideas as they emerge.
- It is street level and saavy to the ways of local culture. It is ethnographic, journalistic and rich in vivid and immersive imagery.
Brazil / Canada / China / Egypt / France / Germany / Holland / India / Indonesia / Japan / South Korea / Mexico / Nigeria / Russia / Thailand / Turkey / UK / USA
“In a simple street you can find the whole world: You can find joy and sorrow; you can find good and evil, silence and noise; you can find all the comedies and all the tragedies! An ordinary simple street is the mirror of the whole world!”